Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A HAPPY Republic Day: Part-3

NOTE: If u haven't read the Part-1 & Part-2 of this, please don't proceed further. Stop here, read both the parts which are below this & come back!

As i sit in silent contemplation the auto wallah calls to remind me to get down at M'patnam and lo!..we are ther! Time passed off so very quickly! I pay his fare and go to the bus stop for an indefinite wait for a bus home. In the meanwhile I encounter many unwanted sights.Auto wallahs call out names of places where I come from and reminding myself of those wretched and damned places somehow irks me as I put my face away and languidly gaze elsewhere though I know very well that I'll have to make that my home for the coming 4 more years! The previous day's verbal argument with an STD friend of mine keeps resonating in my mind as it keeps me away from replying to her incessant msgs to inquire the reason for the cancellation of my program. I keep waiting for the right bus amidst a huge fleet of buses that I dont need; I also find that I'm not bothering about the apprehension anymore. 

An old couple comes to me to ask for money to go their place and show me their son's address as they somehow lost contact with him. They start narrating their story; that they were from a village near Vijayawada and blah blah blah and as I uninterestingly listen to their narration, it rang some bells! LO! They are the same couple who deceived me couple of years ago(roughly 2.5yrs) by the same touching story of mother and son sentiment to which i fell flat and parted a hundred rupees! It instantly starts angering  me! Once again my mind and heart start having a clash...not of their superiority to one another, but giving their view point to which i should act an impartial judge and choose the right one! My mind endeavors to tell me to screw them until they pay me back or atleast scold them. While my heart asks me to forgive them and leave the matter.I laugh away at the former suggestion and follow my heart. I avoid them and find solace in a cool lime soda from a roadside vendor. Then my trained eye finally cathches a right bus home.
I pay for the ticket and as I seat myself, I'm somehow reminded of the pain. It lingers in my mind for a while and I take my headphones and plug 'em into my ears and find myself enjoying to the blabber of the redio jockeys of the various radio stations and also the songs. As I keep listening to them sleep slowly takes over me as I, out of intuition slowly recline onto my back expecting a cushio, hit the hard metal surface and the jerk pulls me out of my sleep. I curse it and once again continue my previous business and this time I rest my hand on the window's metal embankment and rest my head on it and slowly doze off. Later I wake up at an abruptly right moment to see that I'm almost nearing my stop and prepare myself as I pluck off the earphones and put them back into my pocket and my lega, having practiced so much of dance in the past 3 days, painfully carry me to the door and I get down and head homewards.
Once I was home I could somehow feel the warmth and cosiness it offers me and once gain remind myself of the guy who pushed cart; the old loner police regulating the traffic and thank God for giving me everything and I hit the bed!


  1. Well somrthings while reading them we leave it in the middle..
    and the others while reading them there's onli 1 question in our mind 'Whts gonna happen next??' and u read the whole thing.. Gud one.
    this one belongs to the second category...
