Monday, December 28, 2009

Life aka Drama: F(t) - Part 3

...contd from Part 2...

On a rather funny scale, there is only one thing that can help us continue our lives and fathom down the odds against those odds which we do not want them to happen: smile. Exactly! Laugh at it and it will pass away. As the philosophers have been suggesting throughout history of mankind; but tht is not wht it takes to perpetuate life. Perhaps the astonishing(yet well-known) truth that we have to impertutably accept is that, we all are the actors in the eternal Cosmic Drama called Life and are just fulfilling our responsibilities by playing the roles assigned to us by the cosmic director, " Natana-sutra-dhaari "(in sanskrit meaning The director of the cosmic drama)!*

As Henry Cornelius Agrippa, in his highly famed and controversial  De Occulta Philosophia (a collection of 3 books on occult philosophy) rightly says so! Well the discussion in the above paragraph with Sanskrit edition, sounds Indianized and is indeed one! Though not Indianized in the strict sense, i.e., it is the Indian version of the familiar "God is the director of cosmic drama" issue! 

Fine. I'm no more diving into the depths of occult philosophy as might shun away many of potential readers 
groping their experienced eyes for some interesting stuff.Now getting back to the modern take on life and drama, there are, times when we get too scared of performing our roles on the stage and other times, when we get too afraid of the director whom we find frightening! As Norah Burke rightly says, God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh! And this cosmic drama, as we see, which unfolds itself before us every second, fortunately or unfortunately, is a function of time, i.e., we are born at a particular time and do our role in the time interval dt between the limits t1 and t2).

So, from equation 1 and from the law of symmetry and equality, 

Drama (D) = ∫ ƒ (t)dt ----- Equation 2


I'd like to pause and mention one point here: I'm not painting a macabre or a dreary picture of reality depriving the reader of their smile on the face, or perhaps trying to baffle them. But as it turns out from Equation 2, the surprising result elucidating the relation between life and drama,perhaps doesn't seem as surprising as it is to some.

As careful scrutinies of Leonardo da Vinci's highly famed(rather controvertially) paintings like The Madonna of Rocks, the Monalisa, under computerized analysis have shown the flaws and invisible aspects of his art; so the careful study of this grim picture...hey, just wait! Why on earth have I been calling it a grim picture...a grim picture? Is it because of the fact that the topics as such Life...time...spirituality...focus...etc are all concepts intended for the oldies? Then, let us change the idea from the very fact that at 1 point of time or other in life we are bound to face some lows wherein this comes in to play leading to averse mental situations, trauma and breakdown( :D better I'll stop here!). So its handy to realize that this also has a bright facet and depends on the victim's persepective!


  1. Finally I get to post a comment!!!
    getting back to your post,i seriously think you can extend this theory,by closing up all the knots,from the 1st and 3rd part,you can work on complementing them by making part 4,if it does work..!!

  2. hmmm.sure.u can expect it!
    i'm already working on it; though i thought of ending it with final triology!but it'll take time b4 part 4 rolls out!
